Get ready to take control of your career
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The secret to finding the right career is that there is no secret, and that “right” changes as you evolve. Let us help you define what career best fits your life right now, craft your job search strategy, tailor your resume and prepare for your interviews.

Our Services

  • Career Coaching

    Not happy in your current role but struggling to figure out how to leverage your skills and interests to find your next move? Career coaching could be for you.

  • Job Application Strategy

    Applying online is a dead end for many roles, especially in tech. We will work with you to strategize how you can get your foot in the door through networking.

  • Resume Editing

    Most resumes rely on the same over-generalized lines about strong communication skills and being a team player. But once your resume is in the right hands, it needs to quickly communicate the specifics of what you have to offer. We’ll help you craft a resume that tells a coherent narrative about your career and the impact you can bring.

  • Job Interview Preparation

    You got the interview! Now comes the hardest part. We’ll help you develop a strategy for how to use your experiences to convey what you have to offer the company during the interview. We will also guide you through a robust mock interviewing process so you get plenty of practice before the big day.

  • MBA Essay Editing

    Your essay is one of the primary ways you differentiate your business school application! Let’s work together to make sure your voice comes through.

  • MBA Interview Preparation

    Another interview! Not quite. Business school admissions interviews are a little different than a job interview. We’ll help you prepare, complete with a full mock interview circuit.

“It was time for me to take the next step in my career, but I had no idea what that step should be. Diamond helped me develop a career criteria based on the life I wanted to build in the short and long term. When the right opportunity came, Diamond helped me tailor my resume, craft my career story, prepare for my interview, and gave negotiation tips. I GOT THE JOB. Working with the Diamond is the best investment I’ve made in my career.”

-Brionna, Career Coaching, Interview Prep and Resume Editing Client